国泰君安证券(香港):给予佐丹奴国际(00709.HK)“增持”评级 目标价1.77港元

2021-05-08 18:32:00 来源: 同花顺金融研究中心

  国泰君安证券(香港)5月7日发布公告。Giordano lnternational ("Giordano",or the"Company") is expected to record positive net profit in 1H21. The Company announced a positive profit alert,expecting to make a profit in 1H21, compared to net loss amounting to HK$175 million in 1H20.The expected positive profit is mainly due to∶1) recovery of offine sales on the relaxation of social distancing ruleS, especially in China and Taiwan; 2) upward trend in sSales performance in Southeast Asia and the Gulf Cooperation Council markets, which were adversely affected by travel restrictionsS and lockdown measures during 2Q20; 3) increased online saleS; and4) rental conceSSionS received from landlords under current leases and rental reductions received upon renewal of leases.



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