中信证券:给予中集车辆(01839.HK)“买入”评级 目标价10.09港元

2021-06-25 10:31:06 来源: 同花顺金融研究中心

  中信证券6月23日发布公告。With the implementation of new regulations to optimize product structure, product unit price increase, and profitability enhancement, the Company's semi-trailer and t truck body business is expected to achieve further development. The Company has a well-established layout in the European and American markets and is expected to significantly benefit from the recovery of overseas economies. The Company is the global leader in semi-trailers and truck bodies, with significant advantages in scale, technology and industrial layout, and its market share is expected to further increase. We maintain 2021E/2022E EPS forecasts at Rmb0.76/0.83, and add 2023E EPS forecast of Rmb0.98. The current stock price corresponds to 8.8/8.1/6.8x PE for 2021E/22E/23E. The Company's dual listing on the A-share market is imminent, and its H-shares embrace potential valuation rerating. We assign 11x 2021E PE to derive a target price of HK$10.09, and maintain the "BUY" rating.



  • 中信海直
  • 安达维尔
  • 万丰奥威
  • 万安科技
  • 宗申动力
  • 同为股份
  • 深城交
  • 捷强装备
  • 代码|股票名称 最新 涨跌幅