Great Trade Limited增持兴达国际约5133.59万股 每股作价1.3港元
香港联交所最新资料显示,11月29日,Great Trade Limited增持兴达国际(01899)5133.591万股,每股作价1.3港元,总金额约为6673.67万港元。增持后最新持股数目约为12.29亿股,最新持股比例为64%。
补充资料:On25October2024,Great Trade Limited,through Shenwan Hongyuan,has made a voluntary conditional cash offer to acquire all issued shares of the Company(other than those already owned by or to be acquired by it and party acting in concert with it).On29November2024,the Offer was closed.For details,please refer to the Composite Document dated25October2024and the joint announcements jointly issued by the Offeror and the Company on15November2024and29November2024respectively.
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