华泰金融(HK):给予海螺创业(00586.HK)“买入”评级 目标价10.50港元

2024-09-14 10:31:35 来源: 同花顺金融研究中心

  华泰金融(HK)9月12日发布公告。Conch Venture achieved revenue/attributable net profit (NP) of RMB3.14/1.18bn (-29.4/-35.3% yoy) in 1H24. Excluding shared income from associates, the core NP recorded RMB0.48bn (-13.5% yoy). The revenue and profit scale of the main business declined, primarily due to reduced construction revenue from the waste treatment business. However, as operational revenue steadily increased, profit quality has improved. We slightly adjust the EPS for 2024/2025 to RMB1.40/1.52 (previous: RMB1.40/1.51), with SOTP-derived target price up 6.1% from previous estimate to HKD10.5. We expect the company to continue to focus on optimizing the operation of existing projects. As profit quality improves and free cash flow rallies, the company's value is likely to be realized, in our view. Maintain BUY.



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