招银证券:给予海尔智家(06690.HK)“增持”评级 目标价31.58港元

2024-09-18 19:31:14 来源: 同花顺金融研究中心

  招银证券9月16日发布公告。Maintain BUY and fine tune TP to HK$ 31.58. We fine-tuned FY24E/ 25E/ 26E net profit forecasts by +1%/ -1%/ -1%, in order to factor in slower-than-expected sales growth but better-than-expected operating leverage and efficiency gains in both China and the EU. Our new TP is still based on 14x FY24E P/E (unchanged). It is trading at 11x FY24E P/E, still far below its 5-year average of 15x.



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